fermentacja metanowa ikonka

The operation of the Ecotechnology Laboratory is based on DIN 38 414/S8 and VDI 4630 German standards. It is equipped with over 220 batch and 6 continuous reactors that allow to conduct experiments in mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures in both wet and dry technologies. Available analytical instruments permit on-site analysis of the most significant physicochemical parameters (pH, conductance, redox potential, FOS/TAC, COD, mineral and total nitrogen content, total carbon content, dry matter, dry organic matter) and the quality of biogas (EnviSense gas chromatograph and Geotech GA5000 portable gas analyzer).  The quality of our analyzes was confirmed in comparative studies conducted in cooperation with certified German laboratories. This also lead to numerous publications of international impact.

It also deserves to be stressed out that the head of the Ecotechnology Laboratory – professor Jacek Dach – is a member of the scientific boards of two prominent biogas laboratories, the Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ) in Leipzig (Germany) that is responsible for the monitoring of the German biogas market – the largest in Europe, and the Key Laboratory of Clean Production and Utilization of Renewable Energy (CPURE) in Beijing (China), that serves the largest biogas market of the World. The standards of these institutions were also implemented in the Ecotechnology Laboratory.

kompostowanie ikonka

A total of 16 reactors designed and constructed during the realization of two government-granted research projects are used for the analyzes of composting. Resulting from their unique construction, these reactors allow to conduct research on composting and storage of different substrates in precisely controlled conditions. They enable the measurement and of temperature at different depths of the chamber with automatic logging at set intervals. Gas emissions can also be analyzed with the use of a certified gas analyzer (GA5000, Geotech) or a gas chromatograph. Three types of liquid effluents can also be collected for analysis – condensates pulled down by gravity, and condensates from the lid and from exit gas condenser.

Precise modeling of the composting process is possible as all the research can be facilitated with physicochemical and biological analyzes of the substrate that undergoes composting.

emisja gazowa ikonka

The Ecotechnology Laboratory is involved in research on the quantity, quality and dynamics of gaseous emissions from deposited and processed biowaste, organic fertilizers, fertilized soil, etc. Various reactors and aerodynamic tunnels (including a Lockyer tunnel) are used to this extent. The composition of the emissions is determined with the use of a Geotech GA5000 gas analyzer that is certified according to the following standards ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIA T1 Gb (Ta = -10°C do +50°C), IECEx, CSA and UKAS ISO 17025. The analysical ranges of the sensors are: O2 0-25%; CO2 0-100%; CH4 0-100%; NH3 0-1000 ppm and H2S 0-10 000 ppm. The analyzer is calibrated on a weekly basis with the use of calibration mixtures supplied by Air Products. The concentration used for calibration are: 65% of CH4 and 35% of CO2 (in a single mixture); 500 ppm H2S and 100 ppm NH3. The oxygen sensor is calibrated with synthetic air. In specific cases, the analyzes may be performed with the use of a gas chromatograph.


Ozone is one of the most potent oxidants. It is applied in disinfection, deodorization and water treatment, i.e. for initial oxidation or as a sole reagent used in algae removal in the process of ozone flotation. Initial treatment with ozone as means of oxidation of inorganic residues (FE(II), nitrites as well as bromides and bromine) and organic pollution is used in  the process of coagulation. Initial ozonation is also utilized before biosorption. Research that concerns wastewater management, water treatment and reduction of odors are carried out in cooperation with Biopasz company (Gdańsk, Poland), a supplier of ozone and oxygen generators.

paliwa stałe

The researchers of the Ecotechnology Laboratory are also involved in optimization of the production of biomass-based solid fuels. Such fuels – in the form of pellets or briquettes – can be obtained from the majority biomass feedstocks. In order to achieve it, a proper preparation of the substrate is necessary. Our laboratory is not only able to supply information on the suitability of various materials (including wastes) but is also capable of producing a pilot batchs of such biofuels. We are especially interested in technologies of production of pellets and briquettes derived from waste biomass or containing wastes as additives that improve the calorific value or the structure of such products. We are also equipped to analyze the most important parameters that characterize solid biofuels – their calorific value, heat of combustion, moisture content and ash residue after combustion.

While individual research involvement allows progress, teamwork is means to an end in achieving what is seemingly impossible. With this in mind, interdisciplinarity and cooperation were set as founding values of or team. The staff composed of specialists in various areas is the driving force of the Ecotechnology Laboratory. Through open-mindedness and collaboration with various research units a synergistic effect is obtained that results in valuable research projects, industrial implementation of the achievements and scientific publications in highly respectable journals.

We await your cooperation!


The researchers of the Ecotechnology Laboratory are also involved in optimization of the production of biomass-based solid fuels. Such fuels – in the form of pellets or briquettes – can be obtained from the majority biomass feedstocks. In order to achieve it, a proper preparation of the substrate is necessary. Our laboratory is not only able to supply information on the suitability of various materials (including wastes) but is also capable of producing a pilot batchs of such biofuels.



Ozone is one of the most potent oxidants. It is applied in disinfection, deodorization and water treatment, i.e. for initial oxidation or as a sole reagent used in algae removal in the process of ozone flotation. Initial treatment with ozone as means of oxidation of inorganic residues (FE(II), nitrites as well as bromides and bromine) and organic pollution is used in  the process of coagulation. Initial ozonation is also utilized before biosorption.



The Ecotechnology Laboratory is involved in research on the quantity, quality and dynamics of gaseous emissions from deposited and processed biowaste, organic fertilizers, fertilized soil, etc. Various reactors and aerodynamic tunnels (including a Lockyer tunnel) are used to this extent. The composition of the emissions is determined with the use of a Geotech GA5000 gas analyzer that is certified according to the following standards ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIA T1 Gb (Ta = -10°C do +50°C), IECEx, CSA and UKAS ISO 17025.



A total of 16 reactors designed and constructed during the realization of two government-granted research projects are used for the analyzes of composting. Resulting from their unique construction, these reactors allow to conduct research on composting and storage of different substrates in precisely controlled conditions. They enable the measurement and of temperature at different depths of the chamber with automatic logging at set intervals. Gas emissions can also be analyzed with the use of a certified gas analyzer (GA5000, Geotech) or a gas chromatograph.



The operation of the Ecotechnology Laboratory is based on DIN 38 414/S8 and VDI 4630 German standards. It is equipped with over 220 batch and 6 continuous reactors that allow to conduct experiments in mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures in both wet and dry technologies.


Paliwa stałe

W Pracowni Ekotechnologii naukowcy zajmują się również badaniami nad optymalizacją procesu produkcji biopaliw stałych z biomasy. Z większości rodzajów biomasy dostępnej w formie stałej można wyprodukować biopaliwo stałe – pelet bądź brykiet. Aby tego dokonać należy uprzednio odpowiednio przygotować wsad. W laboratorium można nie tylko uzyskać opinie na temat przydatności substratów (w tym odpadów), które Państwo posiadają do produkcji biopaliw stałych, ale i wyprodukować biopaliwo stałe w serii testowej.



Ozon jest jednym z najsilniejszych utleniaczy. Stosowany jest w procesach dezynfekcji, dezodoryzacji oraz uzdatniania wody, np. do wstępnego utleniania lub jako samodzielny reagent do niszczenia glonów w procesie ozonoflotacji. Wstępne oczyszczanie ozonem stosowane jest do utleniania domieszek nieorganicznych (Fe(II), azotynów, a przy okazji także bromków i bromu) oraz zanieczyszczeń organicznych w celu wspomagania procesu koagulacji. Ozonowanie wstępne stosowane jest także przed procesem biosorpcji.


Emisje gazowe

Pracownia zajmuje się badaniami wielkości, dynamiki i składu emisji gazowych ze składowanych i przetwarzanych bioodpadów, nawozów organicznych, nawożonych gleb itp. Do badań wykorzystywane są różnego rodzaju reaktory, tunele aerodynamiczne (w tym tunele Lockyer’a). Badania jakościowe emisji gazowych, przeprowadzane są za pomocą analizatora gazowego GA5000 firmy Geotech. Posiada on następujące certyfikaty jakości: ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIA T1 Gb (Ta = -10°C do +50°C), IECEx, CSA oraz certyfikat kalibracji UKAS ISO 17025.



Aparaturę badawczą służącą do analizy procesu kompostowania stanowi 8 reaktorów opracowanych w ramach projektu MNiSW (nr N N310 2250 33) oraz kolejne 8 zrealizowane w ramach projektu NCBiR UDA-POIG.01.03.01-00-129/09-09. Reaktory te, dzięki swojej unikatowej konstrukcji, pozwalają na prowadzenie badań nad kompostowaniem oraz składowaniem substratów w całkowicie kontrolowanych warunkach. W trakcie badań możliwe jest wielopoziomowe kontrolowanie temperatury w przekroju komory w systemie ciągłym (automatyczny pobór wyników na komputer w dowolnie zaprogramowanych odstępach czasu).


Fermentacja metanowa

Pracownia Ekotechnologii pracuje w oparciu o niemieckie normy DIN 38 414/S8 oraz VDI 4630. Posiada ponad 220 reaktorów do prowadzenia fermentacji w technologii “batch culture” oraz 6 reaktorów do badań w systemie ciągłym. Konstrukcja stanowisk pozwala na prowadzenie badań w zakresach temperatur mezofilowych oraz termofilowych, w technologii zarówno mokrej jak i suchej.

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